Measure biodiversity improvements to assess potential for a nature credits or biodiversity project, or to monitor an existing project.
Assess ecosystem type and extent
Assesses ecosystem types and extent in a project to accurately quantify biodiversity outcomes over the project's lifetime.
Assess the Composition component of Ecosystem Condition
Ecosystem condition is evaluated using four metrics. Composition measures ecosystem quality, assessing variety, identity, and abundance of organisms.
Assess the Function component of Ecosystem Condition
Ecosystem condition is evaluated using four metrics. Function assesses ecological processes and fluxes like NDVI and Net Primary Productivity (NPP).
Assess the Pressures component of Ecosystem Condition
Ecosystem condition is evaluated using four metrics. Pressures assess the scale of threats like land use change by quantifying natural-to-unnatural land conversion.
Assess the Structure component of Ecosystem Condition
Ecosystem condition is evaluated using four metrics. Structure assesses physical size, form, and characteristics like biomass, canopy cover, and leaf area index.
Biodiversity significance assessment for nature credits projects
Biodiversity significance is evaluated using four GBF Goal A targets: halting ecosystem loss, restoring, conserving areas, and reducing extinction risk.
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