Explore the dataset catalogue
Access a range of data types, essential for robust environmental and climate analyses, from premium and open-access providers. For each dataset, we offer the detailed insights you need — complete with links to scientific research and licensing details — to help you select the right data for your analysis.
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Chloris Geospatial Aboveground Biomass Stock, Change and Forest Cover
Annual data on above-ground biomass, carbon stock and change, and forest cover dynamics. Available since 2000 at 30m resolution and since 2017 at 10m resolution, with quantified uncertainty for every pixel.

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IBAT STAR Metric - Species Threat Abatement and Restoration (5km)
Allows quantification of how much species threat abatement and restoration activities contribute towards reducing extinction risk across the world.

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IBAT World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas
Database of sites contributing significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems.

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IBAT World Database on Protected Areas
The most up-to-date and complete source of data on protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs).

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2020 Land Cover of North America (30m)
Land cover classification for North America for the year 2020.

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ALOS Global DSM (30m)
A global Digital Surface Model (DSM) produced with data from the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) collected between 2006 and 2011.

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Allen Coral Atlas (ACA) - Geomorphic Zonation and Benthic Habitat - v2.0
The Allen Coral Atlas dataset maps the geomorphic zonation and benthic habitat for the world's shallow coral reefs at 5 m pixel resolution.

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Biomass Carbon Density Maps 2010 (300m)
Provides global baseline estimates of above and below-ground biomass for the year 2010.

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CHIRPS Daily Precipitation (5.5km)
Global rainfall dataset for years 1981-present.

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CHIRPS Pentad Precipitation (5.5km)
Global rainfall dataset for years 1981-present. WARNING: No correction for the length of pentads which vary with the days in a particular month.

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CIESIN Gridded Population of the World (~1km)
Distribution of human population for years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020.

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Copernicus Global Land Cover (100m)
Coverage of the Earth’s surface by type (forest, wetland, urban etc.) for years 2015 – 2019. Suitable for showing land cover at a regional scales.

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DMSP Annual Nighttime Lights Time Series Version 4 (1km)
Annual global map of nighttime lights visible from space for years 1992-2013. Useful for investigating population density and development.

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Dynamic World Landcover (10m)
Coverage of the Earth Surface by type (water, trees, crops etc.). Suitable for detailed land cover mapping and change over time.

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ERA5 Land Monthly - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis (~11 km)
Collection of land variables for years 1981-present with a monthly revisit period, useful for exploring changes in climate.

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ERA5-Land Daily Aggregated - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis
Daily aggregates of ECMWF ERA5-Land hourly assests, providing a consistent view of a range of land variables at an enhanced resolution compared to ERA5. Daily aggregated data is available from 1950 to three months from real-time with global coverage.

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ESA WorldCover 2020 and 2021 (10m)
ESA land cover map for 2020/21 with global coverage.

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Earth Blox GEDI Global Biomass 2020 (30m)
Global forest biomass estimate based on canopy height for the year 2020.

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FIRMS: Fire Information for Resource Management System (1km)
Data from the LANCE fire detection product in raster form for years 2000-2023 with global coverage, useful for early identification of fires and recent fires.

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Forest proximate people (100m)
Estimate of human population within 1km of forests for 2019. Suitable for development and social impact studies, and modelling forests at risk.

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GCOM-C/SGLI Leaf Area Index (~5km)
Leaf area index in 3-4 day intervals for years 2021-present at medium resolution, useful for monitoring the health and density of vegetation.

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GLDAS-2.1: Global Land Data Assimilation System (~30km)
A range of land surface variables for years 2000-present with global coverage.

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GRIDMET CONUS Drought Indices (4km)
Range of drought indices aggregates including PDSI and Palmer Z Index for years 1980-2018. US coverage only.

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Global Canopy Height 2020 (10m)
A high-resolution canopy height model of the Earth for the year 2020.

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Global Friction Surface 2019 (~1km)
Global friction surface measuring travel speed based on land cover type for the year 2019. Useful for investigating accessibility and travel times of infrastructure or areas.

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Global Human Settlement Layers, Built-Up Characteristics (10m)
Human settlement classification including information such as building height and surface type with global coverage for the year 2018.

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Global Human Settlement Layers, Built-Up Surface Grid (100m)
Distribution of built-up (BU) surface estimates for years 1975-2030 in 5 year intervals.

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Global Mangrove Loss Drivers (30m)
Global map of mangrove loss from 2000-2016, including the drivers of loss and when the loss occured

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Global Mangrove Soil Carbon (30m)
A global map of mangrove forest soil carbon at 30 m spatial resolution

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Global Potential Carbon (500m)
Current and potential carbon storage in woody plant biomass and soil organic matter